Ken FarbsteiN, Managing Principal
As the Managing Principal of Melior Consulting Group for the last 18 years, Ken advises clinical and administrative leaders in hospitals, behavioral health organizations, medical groups, health maintenance organizations, and state government on ways to improve the quality of care and reduce costs through rapid cycle techniques. He helped CareGroup to win the $25,000 first annual Premier Award for Hospital Medication Safety. He has also helped clients win awards for reducing alcohol and substance abuse and for improving community policing. Clients include the Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Japan’s Tohoku University, and the Massachusetts Division of Medical Assistance.
Ken advises patient advocates on keeping their family members safe and healthy while receiving medical care. To empower patient advocates, he wrote Getting Your Best Health Care: Real-World Stories for Patient Empowerment. He writes Patient Safety Blog, now with more than 900 stories. Ken served two elected terms as President of Health Care for All’s Consumer Health Quality Council.
Working with NIATx, Ken advised dozens of behavioral health providers in Philadelphia, South Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, Georgia, and the Rocky Mountain states on using rapid cycle techniques to improve access and retention in treatment. He taught a series of healthcare management courses to mid-career graduate students at Cambridge College, and survey research methods at Simmons College in the Graduate Program in Healthcare Administration.
Earlier, Ken served as a Manager of HMO Quality Improvement for the Massachusetts Division of Medical Assistance. Prior to that, he headed the Quality Resource Group in the Boston City Hospital system. In addition to his role as Director of the six-day process improvement course, he coached hundreds of clinicians and managers to cut costs and raise quality at Boston City Hospital, the Boston Specialty and Rehabilitation Hospital, and community health centers. He facilitated numerous process improvement teams and served as an internal consultant on a variety of initiatives. Prior to that, Ken served as an internal consultant in quality improvement at Harvard Community Health Plan. He helped clinical and administrative leaders throughout the 14 health centers to achieve greater efficiency in Medical Records, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Mental Health, Medical Specialties, Internal Medicine, and billing functions.
Ken has published eight papers on health care and innovation in large organizations. He received a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and an A.B. with departmental honors from Stanford University.