What Colleagues and Clients say about our work:
Your contribution [to the planning of the IHI Forum] was key, and a real boost to our mission. I look forward with pleasure to seeing you frequently....
- Don Berwick, MD, MPP, former CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement & CMS
I am pleased you will be presenting at the IHI Forum. The work you and the others are doing at CareGroup is pathbreaking, and crucially important to demonstrating that this kind of redesign is feasible.
-Dr. Lucian Leape, Adjunct Professor, Harvard School of Public Health
Thank you for the training and support you gave us over the past year. We attribute our success during the JCAHO visit and at the many hospital-wide presentations to both the CQI 101 course and your hands-on consultation at our monthly meetings. Your guidance for our patient flow, patient satisfaction, discharge planning and Project ASSERT teams will be missed.
-Dr. Edward Bernstein, Chairperson, E.D Q.I. Committee, Boston City Hospital
Many kudos from the Board....The product was excellent.
-Dr. James Schlosser, MBA, former President, Somerville Hospital
I want to acknowledge how incredibly important your expertise, consultation and hard work have been to our efforts over the past three years. It is doubtful that our work would have ever reached the level that we did without your work with us. You should feel justifiably proud of your contributions to improving the safety of our hospitals and, quite literally, saving lives.
-Jeanette Clough, President, Mt. Auburn Hospital
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your contributions to the Model Unit development. The integration of a primary care focus with our strength as an academic institution is an important step in our continuous quality improvement process.
-Chet Veal, FACHE, former C.O.O., Boston Dept. of Health & Hospitals
Congratulations on winning a 1996 City Excellence Award. The Strategic Planning and Community Mobilization Project is an exemplary example of creatively applying learning and collaboration to implement a citywide strategic plan. Your efforts have contributed much toward making Boston a safer city in which to live and work.
-Thomas M. Menino, former Mayor of Boston